Sunday, November 6, 2011

Love, coffee, rain, and mystery on a Sunday Morning

"The more I think about things, the more I see no rhyme or reason in life. no one knows why some things work out and some things don't. Why some of us are lucky and some of us get......." Bella in 'Notting Hill"

Fill in the blank! Really, this quote could end with nearly anything you are facing in life.  In the movie, it continues with "Fired".  UnfortunatELy, that works.  Dumped. Cheated on. Lied to. Fat. Lonely. Confused. Disorganised.  Distracted. Tempted.

You get the drift.  Thank me later for pointing out this versatile quote which can be used early on in a drunken evening of morose thoughts and self pity.  Practive it in the shower so that you will sound silver tongued and wise when you pull it seemingly out of your back pocket at the most opportune and a propos times to console and comfort your friends.  (They probably didn't see 'Notting Hill' or if they did, they will think you're brill for remembering it.)

SO in my little world in Santa Monica, on my hamster wheel trotting back and forth on Lincoln Avenue to my office in Marina Del Rey, I literally feel like one of the luckiest people I know.  Two beautiful sons who are growing into gracious, articulate, funny, generous, intelligent young men.  Seeing the ocean every day. Living downtown and walking everywhere in some of the most beautiful weather in the entire world.  One of my sons put it so well when he said, during a particularly colorful Pacific sunset, "'s like we live in a postcard......"  (The boys both have a poetic side as well. :-)  And I love my job.  

Most days, I do not even think about being single.  It does not impede me in any way; I go to parties, movies, out to eat, shopping, travel, fundraisers, anywhere I want to go whether or not I have a "date" to go with me.  

Here are the few times when I do feel it.  

When I go to Disneyland, and I am waiting in lines, and I see couples with their families, and the glances and touches between each other that seem like their own language.

When Christmas rolls around and I do not have that someone romantically special to buy the surprising, enchanting, touching gift.  Many are happy to keep that extra money in their pocket, a few more thoughts not to think, one less errand, less pressure.  I haven't had someone to buy that gift for in many years, and I do miss it.

Other than that, I go about life with a genuine smile on my face and in my heart.  I am grateful for everyday above ground.  And I am convinced that one day, I will be one of the couple's at Disney that someone else is observing, and while I am there I will sneak away and pick up something for someone's Christmas Stocking.

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